The Home Office

The Home Office

More people than ever currently work remotely or from home. This is a big shift and we need to carefully consider our workspace and how productivity can be maximized when working on our own. It is important to discover what colours are needed in your workspace. What colours will create uplifting, positive and creative behaviour in your workspace?

For the optimal workspace, colours need to be selected that will support desired behaviour.

Ideal colours for a home office might include –

Green – refreshing and revitalizing

Brown – for balance, support and security

Blue – darker for concentrating on tasks, lighter blue for visionary and innovative behaviour

White – for clarity and productivity

Colours which may be less suitable for a home office include –

Red – can be overstimulating

Orange – can cause difficulty in focusing on tasks due to its playful effect

Yellow – can be overstimulating and cause irritation

Grey – can suppress creativity and sap energy (Haller, Karen, The Little Book of Colour – How to Use the Psychology of Colour to Transform Your Life, UK, Penguin Random House, 2019)

Too much colour in your workspace can have a negative impact. You may need to consider using small amounts of colour or chosen colours in your office. Colour can be introduced in a feature wall, rug, chair, artwork, curtains, cushions, stationery, homewares or on your computer screensaver. Indoor plants and flowers can also be powerful tools for an injection of colour in your office.

Careful consideration needs to be given to the placement of colour in your home office as this decision is known to have a big impact on positive feelings and wellbeing. For example, is the colour going to be placed in your line of sight or play a less prominent role in the workspace. (Haller, Karen, The Little Book of Colour – How to Use the Psychology of Colour to Transform Your Life, UK, Penguin Random House, 2019)     


The charcoal feature wall defines the home office

Need help with ideas? Contact us today!

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